The tannins in grape juice can make it difficult to remove carpet stains made up of this dark purple liquid. Club soda can help with this. Pour some directly on the carpet and blot. You can also try cleaning carpet with a solution of vinegar and a mild dishwashing liquid. Again, dab until the stain is removed. Blot again with a damp cloth to remove any residue.
Pure Carpet Care - Tip of The Day
Try this tip when cleaning carpet stains: Apply a generous layer of baking soda or cornstarch to greasy spots and leave overnight. After vacuuming, the grease should be absorbed. If there is any residue or discoloration left behind, blot with vinegar until the stain is lifted. A dishwashing liquid or detergent specializing in removing grease will also remove carpet stains that are greasy. Make a solution of half detergent and half water and spray directly onto the stain. Blot until the stain is removed. Blot again with a damp sponge to rinse.
Pure Carpet Care - Tip of The Day
Gum on the carpet can leave behind a sticky, gooey mess! Don't panic if you have to remove carpet stains made by gum, however. It's quite easy. Spray the area with WD-40, or smear with peanut butter and the gum will come right out. There may be a spot left behind from the dye in the gum. Cleaning carpet stains such as this is easy too. All you have to do is blot with a little club soda. No one will ever have to know!
Pure Carpet Care - Tip of The Day
An unfortunate accident with hair dye can make cleaning carpet a nightmare. In many cases, it may even mean the end of your carpet. Hopefully it won't come to this. There are a few things you can try to remove carpet stains of this nature. First of all, it should go without saying that if hair dye is spilled on the carpet one should act immediately. Dampen a sponge and apply dishwashing liquid. Blot the stain with the sponge until you've lifted as much of the dye as possible. You can also try doing the same thing with vinegar. If this doesn't work and the stain hasn't set into the carpet too deep, you might be able to snip the very top fibers of the carpet without anyone knowing. If none of this works, you'll have to call in a professional who makes cleaning carpet stains his business or rearrange your furniture to hide the stain.
Pure Carpet Care - Tip of The Day
When hairspray spills on the carpet, it's imperative one acts quickly before the stain hardens. If you're not fast enough, all is not lost, it's really not difficult to remove carpet stains such as this. Ask yourself, what happens when hair spray builds up in my hair? You shampoo it, right? The same method will work here. For cleaning carpet of hardened hairspray, just blot with a little clarifying shampoo and water. In just about every case, this will be enough to do the trick. Just keep blotting until all of the hairspray and its stickiness is removed.
Pure Carpet Care - Tip of The Day
The dyes in Kool-Aid, Gatorade and Jell-o generally result in a permanent stain. However, you can still try to remove carpet stains caused by these products. The newest technology uses peroxide and detergents to penetrate the soiled area to remove the stain and deactivate the odor. Simply spray a product such as Bio-OX Citrus Concentrate on the soiled area, and then allow it to penetrate for approximately five minutes. Using a clean white absorbent cloth, blot the area, pressing down firmly (do not rub) for 30 seconds. Repeat this blotting process until the area is dry. If the odor persists, repeat the process. Another option for cleaning carpet stains such as these is to use ordinary household and blot at the stain using a clean cloth. When cleaning carpet stains with ammonia, wear a mask or turn you head so you don't inhale the fumes.
Pure Carpet Care - Tip of The Day
You may have noticed a couple of days after cleaning carpet stains such as milk, the spots come back. This may be due to wicking. Wicking happens when the carpet becomes saturated and the liquid pools at the bottom. After a while, it starts to work it's way back up through the fibers making the stain reappear on your carpet. It is extremely difficult to remove all of the liquid from the carpet fibers, carpet backing and padding underneath, thereby creating ideal conditions for bacteria and mold growth (and thus malodors). However, you might not be ready to replace your carpet just yet, so here are a few things you can do to eliminate the carpet odor. When you first begin to remove carpet stains, blot up as much of the liquid as possible with an absorbent white cloth. Place another thick cloth on the carpet and weigh down with something heavy so all of the liquid is absorbed. When that's done, go ahead and sanitize the area. The newest technology uses peroxide and detergents to penetrate the soiled area and deactivate the odor. Simply spray a product such as Bio-OX Citrus Concentrate on the soiled area, which will penetrate into the carpet. Allow Bio-OX to penetrate for approximately five minutes. Using a clean white absorbent cloth, blot the area, pressing down firmly (do not rub) for 30 seconds. Repeat this blotting process until the area is dry. If the stain or odor persists, repeat the process. You can also use baking soda to eliminate surface (but not deeply penetrated) odors. Dampen the area with clean water and then sprinkle baking soda over it. Rub the baking soda into the soiled area and let dry; brush or vacuum to remove the dry material.
Pure Carpet Care - Tip of The Day
Miracle grow, the popular fertilizer is much better suited to a garden than a carpet. Although one would assume one would go through life without cleaning carpet stains left behind by fertilizer, accidents do happen. If for some reason you need to remove carpet stains made when Miracle Grow is spilled, you can probably clean it off if you act quickly. First vacuum or pick up any powder or solid material, be as gentle as possible however, so as not to grind the product further into your carpet. If spots still remain on your carpet, Spray the mark with shaving foam and let sit for about thirty minutes. After which, blot with a clean damp cloth.
Pure Carpet Care - Tip of The Day